Current Issue : October-December Volume : 2021 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 5 Articles
In the design of planetary sampling devices, calculating the reaction force acting on the sampling devices is crucial. According to related research, the influence zone caused by sampling plays an important role in calculating the reaction force. A new method for estimating the range of the influence zone based on 3D DEM simulation is discussed in this paper. Taking lunar soil as an example, first, via validation of physical experiments, the DEM lunar soil simulant was proven to have mechanical properties similar to those of real lunar soil. Second, stress was selected as an indicator to identify the influence zone by computing the match percentage via a comparison between classical soil mechanics and DEM simulation. Using the proposed calculation method, it can be observed that the trend of change of influence zone at different sampling moments showed similar to the change of reaction force. Calculation of the influence zone can be used to analyze the reaction force of different gravity environments, sampling device structures, and motions....
As an emerging topic, the swarm of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has been attracting great attention. Due to the indeterminacy of sensors, distributed cooperative swarms have been considered to be efficient and robust but challenging to design and test. To facilitate the development of distributed swarms, it has been proposed to utilise a simulation platform for cooperative UAVs using imperfect perception. However, the existing simulation platforms cannot satisfy this demand due to a few reasons. First, they are designed for a specific purpose, and their functionalities are difficult to extend. Second, the existing platforms lack compatibility to be applied to different types of scenarios. Third, the modelling of these platforms is too simplified to simulate flight motion dynamic and noisy communication accurately, which may cause a difference in performance between the simulation and real-world application. To address the mentioned issues, this paper models the problem and proposes a simulation platform for distributed swarm cooperative perception, which addresses software engineering concerns and provides a set of extendable functionalities of a cooperative swarm, including communication, estimation, perception fusion, and path planning. The applicability of the proposed platform is verified by simulations with the real-world application. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed system is viable....
This article shows the probabilistic modeling of hydrocarbon spills on the surface of the sea, using climatology data of oil spill trajectories yielded by applying the lagrangian model PETROMAR-3D. To achieve this goal, several computing and statistical tools were used to develop the probabilistic modeling solution based in the methodology of Guo. Solution was implemented using a databases approach and SQL language. A case study is presented which is based on a hypothetical spill in a location inside the Exclusive Economic Zone of Cuba. Important outputs and products of probabilistic modeling were obtained, which are very useful for decision-makers and operators in charge to face oil spill accidents and prepare contingency plans to minimize its effects. In order to study the relationship between the initial trajectory and the arrival of hydrocarbons spills to the coast, a new approach is introduced as an incoming perspective for modeling. It consists in storage in databases the direction of movement of the oil slick at the first 24 hours. The probabilistic modeling solution presented is of great importance for hazard studies of oil spills in Cuban coastal areas....
Different open resonant ring structures with substrate of polyimide were designed. (e transmission characteristics of the structures for terahertz wave were investigated by simulation and experiment. (e results show that the transmission peak of the structures moves to high frequency with increase of thickness of the metal layer. With increase of substrate thickness, the transmission peak moved to low frequency and the transmissivity decreased. (e influence of number of “C” shape open resonant rings in the unit structure on the transmission characteristics of terahertz wave was also studied. It is found that when the number of “C” shape open resonant rings increases from one to two, more transmission peaks appeared in the frequency of 0.2–2 THz. (e transmissivity of the designed structures was tested by terahertz time-domain spectrometer (THz-TDS). (e experimental results showed good agreement to the simulation results....
Cognitive decline resulting from Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type (DAT) can lead to reduced ability to perform complex daily tasks required for independent living, including driving an automobile. This study explores the ability of untrained observers to classify driving safety using short video clips of simulated driving through intersections; it also examined whether untrained observers could predict whether the driver was cognitively healthy or cognitively impaired. Participants (n = 54) were shown a series of 30 video clips arranged in an online survey and asked to answer questions following each clip regarding the safety of the maneuver and the cognitive status of the driver. Results showed that participants’ subjectively rated DAT drivers as significantly less safe in comparison to control drivers, F (1, 52) = 228.44, p < 0.001. Participant’s classification of DAT drivers and controls was also significantly higher than chance (i.e., >50% correct). Findings provide preliminary support for the development of a clinical decision-making aid using video replay of driving simulator performance in fitness-to-drive assessments for individuals with cognitive impairment....